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JFSF Vol 8, No 4, December 2023, p.221-229

doi: 10.22540/JFSF-08-221


Review Article

A Narrative Review of the Utilisation of the SHARE Frailty Instruments (SHARE-FI and SHARE-FI75+) in the Literature

Helen Doherty1*, Aurora Higgins Jennings1*, Matej Kocka1*, Auriane Neichel1*, Juliette Scauso1*, Elena Lionetti1, Chenhui Chenhuichen1,2, Roman Romero-Ortuno1,3

  1. School of Medicine, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
  2. Geriatric Medicine Service, University Hospital of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain
  3. Mercer's Institute for Successful Ageing, St James’s Hospital, Dublin, Ireland
  • * Contributed equally

Keywords: Frailty, Geriatric assessment, Review, SHARE-FI, SHARE-FI75+


This narrative literature review aimed to examine the utilisation of the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) frailty instruments: SHARE-FI and SHARE-FI75+. We used the Google Scholar “cited by” function (accessed on February 20th, 2023) to identify all citations of the original SHARE-FI and SHARE-FI75+ studies. Included articles were categorised into four themes: epidemiological studies (prevalence and associated factors); associations with geriatric syndromes, diseases and health outcomes; randomised clinical trials (RCTs); and expert consensus and practice guidelines. Of 529 articles screened (446 citing SHARE-FI and 83 citing SHARE-FI75+), 64 (12.1%) were included. Sixteen (25.0%) were epidemiological; 35 (54.7%) described associations; 10 (15.6%) were RCTs; and 3 (4.7%) were expert consensus or practice guidelines. Frailty was associated with older age; female sex; higher morbidity; lower education; social isolation; worse nutrition and mobility; rheumatological, cardiovascular, and endocrine diseases; and greater healthcare utilisation and mortality. SHARE-FI was used in RCTs as entry criterion, controlling variable, and intervention outcome. SHARE-FI and SHARE-FI75+ have been recommended to aid the management of atrial fibrillation anticoagulation and hypertension, respectively. SHARE-FI and SHARE-FI75+, two open access phenotypical frailty measurement tools, have been utilised for a range of purposes, and mostly in epidemiological/ associational studies.
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